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Shoot 1 - Plan And Contact Sheets

For my first shoot I plan to go up to the airbase and start trying to get a feel for the site and where I will get some good images from. I am aiming to try and capture the open feeling while at the airbase. The weather is forecast to be bright and sunny which will help with exposure and give good detail in the sky when converting my images to black and white.

After looking at my contact sheets I can see some good images to start editing for my project. I am looking for images that really help to show the airbase as it stands today, shows how open it is but also documents some of the key features, for instance the remnant of the hangars and soe bits of tarmac still showing from the runway. To capture the upside-down images, I setup my tripod with the camera upside-down between the legs of the tripod. This was so that I could get really close to the ground to be able to capture the texture of the remaining tarmac from one of the runways. I really like these images as it is something a bit different and shows a different angle of the airfield. I originally thought the weather would have been too bright and sunny to get the desired effect however there is good detail form the clouds in the sky so when being edited this should be okay.

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