Shoot 2 - Plan And Contact Sheets
After talking to a lecturer about my first shoot and where to go next with my images. He suggested that I try and docuent more of the airfield as if people who had never visited before would know what is going on and how to get around. I would then be able to use these images alongside some from my first shoot to try and tell a story within my work. I would then need to add some text with some facts about the airbase to support the images.
After lookig at my images I am really happy with how these have come out. I have really tried to capture a journey around the airbase. As soon as I arrived for my shoot it started to pour down with rain so I waited it out in the car. Thats where my inspiration hit me for the rain on the window shots. This would be a perfect way to show the start of a journey into the airbase, from within a car. I i tried a variety of angles of the rain to see what would work best and give the best amount of detail when editied to black and white. My favourties are of the ones looking out of the windscreen as they show a wide view of the airfield out there and the water droplets running down the screen are very sharp and will look excellent in black and white. With this shoot I decided to venture to the top part of the airfield to capture a different area of it. This was where more of the buildings used to be as you can still see the concrete bases of some of the buildings in the ground. I really like the ones showing the letters on the floor. These letters are the airfield code: QB. The clouds have a nice amount if detail in them and when in black and white, the letters will start to stand out a bit more from the grass around them. I knew around the site of the airfield a war memorial had been placed remembering those that had fought there and lost their lives working from the airfield. I thought this would be a good image to end with as it is remembering the fallen. I prefer the last three of the memorial stone to the rest as the exposure is a lot better in them and the clouds are built up very well. In a black and white edit and using some dodging and burning to edit them it will hopefully bring out more of the hidden detail in the clouds.